Teaching activities update: new infection containment measures
Published: Wednesday, January 5, 2022
Considering the evolution of the epidemiological scenario of the CoViD-19 infection in the last weeks, in order to reduce gathering situations and the possibility of infection, the University of Turin has chosen to switch to distance learning at least until January 15th, 2022, unless any time extensions become necessary.
The measures in force from January 7th until January 15th, 2022 are the following:
- Lessons: only held in remote modality
- Exams: only held in remote modality
- Graduation sessions: if planned, only held in remote modality
- Internships and activities: curricular internships, laboratories, thesis development and other experiential activities in small groups that cannot be held remotely, can take place in presence, based on the discretion of the professors, in compliance with all organizational measures of prevention and protection necessary to prevent infection by COVID-19 and in accordance with the national and regional regulations in force. In particular, the use of FFP2 type protective equipment is recommended.
- Study rooms: closed
- Libraries: access to libraries is only allowed with the use of FFP2 type protective equipment and in compliance with the national and regional regulations in force regarding access to libraries and cultural centers.
At the moment it is impossible to predict what the situation will be after January 15th, 2022, but any changes regarding university's activities and facilities will be promptly communicated to the university community.
Please refer to the official notice published on the UniTo website