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Students' tuition fees

 Please note that this site is currently being updated. We advise you to chek our website frequently.

Consult  Contribution and Tuition Fees Regulation a.y. 2023-2024 (Regolamento tasse e contributi a.a. 2023-2024)

Use the simulator to calculate the amount to pay according to ISEE criteria

Please see also Vademecum per chi studia a.a. 2023-2024  (Italian version)

Further details are available here

Additional contributions

(please refer to: art. 6.1.2)

The additional contribution covers additional services which are specifically provided to Master's Degree in Business Administration students, including:

  • smaller classes
  • involvement of foreign visiting professors and experts
  • organisation of tutoring and integrative teaching activities
  • purchase of books and teaching materials for each student
  • dedicated scouting internship services for national or international stages
  • dedicated technical and administrative services (students’ office, didactics office, Erasmus office, job placement offices etc.)

The additional contribution is calculated according to the following scheme:

ISEE brackets in € Additional contribution in € 
≤ 23.000,00 400,00
23.000,01 - 30.000,00 800,00
30.001,00 - 40.000,00 1.600,00
40.001,00 - 50.000,00 2.200,00
50.001,00 - 65.000,00 3.600,00
65.000,01 - 85.000,00 4.500,00
> 85.001,00 o senza ISEE 5.100,00

The additional contribution due is divided into two installments to be paid together with the 2nd and 3rd installments of the ordinary UniTO fee.
This contribution is not due for those who enroll beyond the normal duration of the course of study.

Check all the information in art. 6 of Contribution and Tuition Fees Regulation a.y. 2023-2024 (Regolamento tasse e contributi a.a. 2023-2024).

For further information contact

See also the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) of the Sezione Diritto allo Studio (Tuition fees office) and, if you are a student already enrolled at the University, you can contact the Help-Desk service

In accordance with the "Contribution and Tuition Fees Regulationa a.y.2022-2023" (Regolamento tasse e contributi a.a. 2022-2023), the tuition fees for students enrolled in the 2022/2023 academic year are calculated by adding up:

Use the simulator to calculate the amount to pay according to ISEE criteria

Please see also Vademecum per chi studia a.a. 2022-2023  (Italian version)

Further details are available here

Additional contributions

The additional contribution covers additional services which are specifically provided to Bachelor's Degreee in Business & Management  students, including:

  • smaller classes
  • involvement of foreign visiting professors and experts
  • organisation of tutoring and integrative teaching activities
  • purchase of books and teaching materials for each student
  • dedicated scouting internship services for national or international stages
  • dedicated technical and administrative services (students’ office, didactics office, Erasmus office, job placement offices etc.)

The additional contribution has been calculated according to the following scheme:

ISEE brackets in € Additional contribution in € 
≤ 13.000,99 700,00
13.001,00-30.000,99       1.100,00
30.001,00-50.000,99 2.300,00
50.001,00-85.000,99 5.000,00
> 85.001,00 5.600,00

The additional contribution due is divided into two installments to be paid together with the 2nd and 3rd installments of the ordinary UniTO fee.
This contribution is not due for those who enroll beyond the normal duration of the course of study.

Check all the information in art. 6 of Contribution and Tuition Fees Regulation a.y. 2022-2023  (Regolamento tasse e contributi a.a. 2022-2023 )

For further information contact

See also the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) of the Sezione Diritto allo Studio (Tuition fees office) and, if you are a student already enrolled at the University, you can contact the Help-Desk service


In accordance with the "Regolamento tasse e contributi a.a. 2021-2022" (Tuition Fees Regulation 2021-2022 a.y.), the tuition fees for students enrolled in the 2021/2022 academic year are calculated by adding up:

  • regional tax for the right to University Education: (for exemptions consult art. 3 of Regolamento tasse e contributi a.a. 2021-2022 .
  • full-comprehensive contribution (ordinary UniTO fee) is calculated on the basis of the student's ISEE level and on the type of commitment (full time/part time). It is potentially covered by scholarships or other kind of financial aid (please refer to art. 2 and art. 3 Regolamento tasse e contributi a.a. 2021-2022. For more information read the page Tuition fees on UniTo website.
  • Additional contribution: variable additional amount which depends on the student's ISEE level. It is NOT covered by scholarships or other kind of financial aid (please refer to: art. 6.1.2 Regolamento tasse e contributi a.a. 2021-2022.

Use the simulator to calculate the amount to pay according to ISEE criteria

Please see also Vademecum per chi studia a.a. 2021-2022  (Italian version)

Further details are available here

Additional contributions

The additional contribution covers additional services which are specifically provided to Bachelor's Degreee in Business & Management  students, including:

  • smaller classes
  • involvement of foreign visiting professors and experts
  • organisation of tutoring and integrative teaching activities
  • purchase of books and teaching materials for each student
  • dedicated scouting internship services for national or international stages
  • dedicated technical and administrative services (students’ office, didactics office, Erasmus office, job placement offices etc.)

The additional contribution has been calculated according to the following scheme:

ISEE brackets in € Additional contribution in € 
≤ 13.000,99 700,00
13.001,00-30.000,99       1.100,00
30.001,00-50.000,99 2.300,00
50.001,00-85.000,99 5.000,00
> 85.001,00 5.600,00

The additional contribution due is divided into two installments to be paid together with the 2nd and 3rd installments of the ordinary UniTO fee.
This contribution is not due for those who enroll beyond the normal duration of the course of study.

Check all the information in art. 6 of Regolamento tasse e contributi a.a. 2021-2022 

For further information contact

See also the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) of the Sezione Diritto allo Studio (Tuition fees office) and, if you are a student already enrolled at the University, you can contact the Help-Desk service

In accordance with the "Regolamento tasse e contributi a.a. 2020-2021" (Tuition Fees Regulation 2020-2021 a.y.), the tuition fees for students enrolled in the 2020/2021 academic year are calculated by adding up:

Use the simulator to calculate the amount to pay according to ISEE criteria

The additional contribution covers additional services which are specifically provided to the Bachelor's Degree in Business & Management students, including:

  • smaller classes
  • involvement of foreign visiting professors and experts
  • organisation of tutoring and integrative teaching activities
  • purchase of books and teaching materials for each student
  • dedicated scouting internship services for national or international stages
  • dedicated technical and administrative services (students’ office, didactics office, Erasmus office, job placement offices etc.)

The additional contribution has been calculated according to the following scheme:

ISEE range in €

Additional contribution in €

≤ 13.000,99








> 85.001,00




Consist of

Maximum amount

Due date

First instalment

Regional tax for the right to University Education


At the moment of matriculation/enrolment

Duty stamp


Second instalment

First instalment ordinary UniTO fee

Maximum amount of 450 (for more information:

Within November, 30th 2020


First instalment additional contribution (depending on the student's ISEE level, due by students receiving scolarship too)

2.805  maximum amount of first instalment additional contribution for part-time and full-time attendance (ISEE > 85.001 )

Third instalment

Second instalment ordinary UniTO fee

access the simulator and calculate the contribution

Within March 31st 2021

Second instalment additional contribution (depending on the student's ISEE level, due by students receiving scholarship too)

2.805  maximum amount of second instalment additional contribution for part-time and full-time attendance (ISEE > 85.001 )

Fourth instalment

Fourth instalment ordinary UniTO fee

access the simulator and calculate the contribution

Within May 14th 2021

For further information contact

In accordance with the "Regolamento tasse e contributi a.a. 2019-2020" (Tuition Rules a.y. 2019-2020), the tuition fee for students enrolled in the academic year 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 is the sum of the following items:

Use the simulator to calculate the amount to pay according to ISEE criteria

This amount is due because additional services are specifically provided to the Bachelor in Business & Management students, including:

    • small amount of students per class/stream (i.e.  around 125 per stream)
    • involvement and management of foreign visiting professors and scholars
    • organisation of tutoring and integrative teaching activities for each subject
    • purchase of books and print of teaching materials for each student
    • availability and organisation of national and international stages/internships
    • technical and administrative staff dedicated to each year of the degree.

The additional contribution charged for the international degrees of the Department of Management (Business & Management and Business Administration) has been defined according to the following scheme:

ISEE range in €
Additional contribution in €
≤ 13.000,99 700,00
13.001,00-30.000,99       1.100,00
30.001,00-50.000,99 2.300,00
50.001,00-85.000,99 5.000,00
> 85.001,00 5.600,00


Instalment Consist of Maximum amount Due date
First instalment Regional tax for the right to University Education 140 € At the moment of matriculation/enrolment
Duty stamp 16 €
Second instalment First instalment
ordinary UniTO fee
Maximum amount of 450 €
(for more information:
Within 4 p.m.
November, 28th 2019
First instalment additional contribution (depending on the student's ISEE level, due to students receiving scolarship too 2.805 € maximum amount of first instalment additional contribution for part-time and full-time attendance (ISEE > 85.001 €)
Third instalment Second instalment
ordinary UniTO fee
access the simulator and calculate the contribution Within 4 p.m.
April, 2nd 2020
Second instalment additional contribution
(depending on the student's ISEE level, due to students receiving scholarship too)
2.805 € maximum amount of second instalment additional contribution for part-time and full-time attendance (ISEE > 85.001 €)

For further information contact

WARNING: For students enrolled for the first time in the academic year 2017-2018, the expected contributions follow the previous Tuition Rules, set for the a.y. 2017-2018, as follows (no changes from previous year).

In accordance with the "Regolamento tasse e contributi a.a. 2019-2020" (Tuition Rules a.y. 2019-2020) , the tuition fee for students enrolled in the academic year 2017-2018 is the sum of the following:

Use the simulator to calculate the amount to pay according to ISEE criteria

This amount is due to additional services specifically provided to the Bachelor in Business & Management students, included:

    • maximum amount of students per stream (around 125),
    • foreign professors welcome and management,
    • tutoring and integrative teaching activities for each subject (four tutors for each subject),
    • books and teaching materials individually provided,
    • national and international stage/internship management,
    • technical and administrative staff specifically provided for each year of the degree.
Instalment Consist of Maximum amount Due date
First instalment Regional tax for the right to University Education 140 € At the moment of matriculation/enrolment
Duty stamp 16 €
Second instalment First instalment
ordinary UniTO fee
Maximum amount of 450 €
(for more information:
Within 4 p.m.
November, 28th 2019
First instalment additional contribution
(fixed amount, due to students receiving scholarship too)
  • 1,610 € full-time attendance
  • 1,416 € part-time attendance
Third instalment Second instalment
ordinary UniTO fee
access the simulator and calculate the contribution Within 4 p.m.
April, 2nd 2020
Second instalment additional contribution
(fixed amount, due to students receiving scholarship too)
  • 1,100 € full-time attendance
  • 700 € part-time attendance

For further information contact

Last update: 04/03/2024 10:01
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