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Public Management and Public Economics - Stream A
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Public Management and Public Economics A
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Academic year 2021/2022
- Course ID
- MAN0514
- Teaching staff
- Valerio Brescia (Lecturer)
Francesco Figari (Lecturer) - Year
- 3rd year
- Teaching period
- First term
- Type
- Elective
- Credits/Recognition
- 7
- Course disciplinary sector (SSD)
- SECS-P/07 - economia aziendale
- Delivery
- Formal authority
- Language
- English
- Attendance
- Obligatory
- Type of examination
- Written
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Sommario del corso
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Course objectives
The Public Management and Public Economics course aims at providing the core theoretical basics of Public Management and Economics of Public Sector and focuses on actual experiences from present day business reality. The course aims at increasing students' knowledge and critical thinking skills concerning contemporary (International - and - domestic) issues on Public Management and Economics.
The first module - Public Management - provides for the acquisition of cognitive skills capable of orienting students in the public sector and allowing the understanding of financial, economic and public reporting aspects. The management and management tools allow a basic knowledge for the decision-making process. The course of study guarantees skills in terms of communication and ability to work in a team. Furthermore, the goal is to rework the theories and techniques by applying them to practical cases.
Students will acquire practical skills in public policy analysis, definition of social reporting, performance evaluation, efficiency, and equity of public services. The course deals with national and international dynamics and approaches.
The second module –- Public Economics – deals with the role of public sector in modern economies, focusing on market failures, including public good provision, externalities, and asymmetric information. The course will provide students with a basic knowledge of standard public economic theory and empirical public economics focusing on the role and size of the public sector and the fundamental concepts of welfare economics dealing with the trade-off between equity and efficiency and its quantitative evaluation.
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Results of learning outcomes
The course provides the students with the tools, and the skills to use these tools, to be informed consumers of public finance data and to engage constructively in the formulation and evaluation of public economics issues. Moreover the course provides communication and leadership skills essential for the present management roles.
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Course delivery
The course is delivered by formal lectures promoting an active participation of the students. Teaching material and slides will be available. Formal lectures will be complemented by practical exercises and confrontation in the plenary. The activities also include the analysis of case studies and elaborations that will be carried out in classroom. The duration of the course is divided proportionally between the Public Management module and the Public Economics module. The courses are held in the classroom; for pandemic reasons, the lessons will also be provided remotely on Webex with the means and methods made available by the School and the University of Turin.
The course foresees the delivery of didactic material in the classroom and available slides.
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Learning assessment methods
The final mark will be the average of the evaluations of the two modules.
The exam of the Ppublic Management module consists in a written report activity and a group work that must be exposed in the classroom. If the student does not intend to carry out group work, the mark can be replaced with a written test consisting of three open questions.
The exam of the Public Economics module consists in written exam, half with multiple choice answers and half with open questions.
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Support activities
The Public Economics module provides a tutor who will support students with classroom exercises.
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The course is divided into two modules (Public Management and Public Economics) as follows:
Part I: Public Management
Lecturer: Valerio Brescia
- Introduction to Public Sector
- New public Management and New Public Governance
- Public Financial Management
- Smart cities
- Budgeting
- Consolidation in the Public Sector
- Popular Financial Reporting
- Public Performance
Lecturer : Fijałkowska Justyna
- Intangibles and Intellectual Capital
- Corporate Social Responsibility concept in private and public institutions
- Sustainability reporting and integrated reporting
- Balanced Scorecard
Part II: Public Economics
Lecturer: Francesco Figari
- Defining public sector responsibilities, S&R 1
- Measuring public sector size, S&R 2
- Fiscal deficits and government debt, S&R 28
- Market efficiency, S&R 3
- Market failure, S&R 4
- Public goods and publicly provided private goods, S&R 5
- Externalities and the environment, S&R 6
- Evaluating public expenditure, S&R 11
- Efficiency and equity, S&R 7
Suggested readings and bibliography
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For the not attending students the final mark is the result of a written exam concerning the teaching materials (handouts, articles, updating material, etc.) provided to the students by Moodle.
Public Economics
Stiglitz, J. E. and Rosengard J. K. (2015), Economics of the public sector, 4th Edition, W.W. Norton & Company.
Additional material from:
Stiglitz, J. E. and Rosengard J. K. (2018), Economia del settore pubblico, 3rd edizione italiana a cura di Gastaldi F. e Pisauro G., Hoepli.
- Oggetto:
“Le modalità di svolgimento dell'attività didattica potranno subire variazioni in base alle limitazioni imposte dalla crisi sanitaria in corso. In ogni caso è assicurata la modalità a distanza per tutto l'anno accademico”- Oggetto: