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Business organisation - Stream A


Business organisation - Stream A


Academic year 2019/2020

Course ID
Teaching staff
Laura Broccardo (Lecturer)
Zhanna Belyaeva (Lecturer)
Alberto Bertello (Tutor)
Daniel Torchia (Tutor)
2nd year
Course disciplinary sector (SSD)
SECS-P/10 - organizzazione aziendale
Formal authority
Type of examination

Sommario del corso


Course objectives

This class aims to illustrate the link between business model and organizational solutions; the main types of organizational forms; and some of the most important mechanisms and tools for improving coordination and control in organizations. 

L' insegnamento si propone illustrare il nesso tra modello di business e soluzioni organizzative; le principali tipologie di forme organizzative; e alcuni tra i più importanti meccanismi e strumenti di coordinamento e controllo all'interno delle organizzazioni sia pubbliche che private. 


Results of learning outcomes

- Knowledge and understanding: Understanding the main solutions that enterprises and public institutions adopt to address organizational problems, and the role of organizational issues in the wider picture of administrative disciplines.

- Applying knowledge and understanding: Applying organizational concepts and techniques in the analysis of simplified business cases.

- Making judgements. Developing evaluations (although simplified) around the organizational issues implied in concrete business cases.

- Communication skills. Illustrating and discussing, also through digital tools, specific business organization issues.

- Learning skills. Progressively checking the level of learning, through constructive interactions with the teacher and other students.

-Conoscenza e capacità di comprensione. Capire le principali soluzioni che le aziende adottano per risolvere i problemi organizzativi e come si collocano i problemi organizzativi nel complesso della più generale problematica dell'amministrazione aziendale. 

-Capacità di applicare conoscenza e comprensione. Saper applicare le logiche dell'organizzazione aziendale nell'analisi di casi aziendali opportunamente semplificati.

-Autonomia di giudizio. Saper condurre un'analisi, seppur semplificata, delle problematiche organizzative correlate alla discussione di casi aziendali.

-Abilità comunicative. Imparare a illustrare e discutere specifiche problematiche legate all'organizzazione aziendale, utilizzando appropriati supporti, anche informatici.

-Capacità di apprendimento. Verificare in itinere il grado di apprendimento degli argomenti trattati, attraverso un confronto con la docenza ed eventualmente con altri studenti.


Course delivery

This is a 42-hour class (6 CFU).

L'insegnamento si articola su 42 ore di didattica frontale (6 CFU).


Learning assessment methods

During the summer session, the exam will take place remotely, because of the contingency measures required by the Phase 2 of the Covid19 emergency outbreak. The exam will be powered by the Moodle platform, in particular by its Quiz function which will be used for Written Exams, and by Unito’s Webex platform, with which we will go through with the identification procedure and the surveillance of the students during the exam. We will inform those who are booked for the exam via email through the Essetrè system the day before the exam. The email will contain the link to the Webex session along with the time, approximately half an hour prior to the exam starting time. By clicking on the link you’ll get access to the Webex Room for the exam. 25 is the students limit per session. Meanwhile, on Moodle, once you are enrolled to the course you’ll be able to find the Quiz on the main page of the course. 

The exam is going to last 45 minutes.

At the end of the exam, you will find a page with the option to either confirm your will to submit your test for evaluation or the option to withdraw from it. In the second case, your attempt will not be considered in the 3 tries per year that every student gets.

For the whole exam session, the student will have to remain connected to the Webex room, with their webcam on. 

The students who have enrolled but wish not to take the exam, should let the teachers know via email to help facilitate the examination procedures.

In case of abrupt disconnections from the Moodle, the system will keep your progress up until that point. 

As far as the exam questions are concerned, they will be similar to what has been previously announced on Campusnet and further explained here.

The exam will be written, with multiple choice questions, true and false questions and exercises. The multiple choice questions will evaluate the knowledge of the student, whereas the exercises will test the student’s proficiency with the tools they were provided during the course. The maximum mark is 30/30.

The exam is going to include questions from Peter Clarke’s teaching material.

The exam will be “open books”, which means you are free to use the course book and the notes at your disposal, although since time is limited you will have to come prepared and study beforehand.

We invite you to read the code of ethics of the University of Turin (you can find it at the following link and to maintain an appropriate conduct during the exam. You are men and women who will soon find their place in the workforce: we, as teachers, trust your qualities, which we are striving to help build and on which we are counting on.

It is in fact required the use of analytics tools and anti plagiarism softwares, to make sure the merit will be exclusive to those who deserve it. As for our rules and regulations, there will be administrative penalties for those who violate the code of conduct.

L'esame consiste in due prove scritte.

La prima prova conterrà 12-15 domande a risposta chiusa e assegnerà max. 12-15 punti. Occorre totalizzare almeno il 40% di risposte corrette per poter accedere alla seconda prova.

La seconda prova conterrà 3 domande complesse (commenti guidati a casi aziendali studiati a lezione) e assegnerà max. 16-18 punti, che verranno sommati ai punti guadagnati con la prima prova.

Ulteriori punti aggiuntivi (max. 2-3) potranno essere assegnati con lavori di gruppo.

Il voto verrà assegnato in trentesimi. La lode verrà attribuita a studenti che avranno totalizzato min. 31 punti come somma di prima e seconda prova e eventuali lavori di gruppo.


Support activities

Discussion of business cases, individual/group work.

Weekly office hours.

Discussione di casi aziendali, lavori individuali/di gruppo.

Ricevimento settimanale.



- Introduction to the business model canvas

- Introduction to the analysis of the main organizational forms; organizational charts

- Mechanisms for coordination and control

- Information systems and digitalization: organizational implications

- Management style, organizational culture

- Introduction to organizational micro-structure, group work, task management

-      Introduzione al modello di business e al business model canvas

-      Elementi di analisi delle principali forme organizzative e lettura di organigrammi

-      Meccanismi di coordinamento e controllo, con focus sulle implicazioni organizzative della digitalizzazione

-      Modelli di management e cultura organizzativa

-      Introduzione all’analisi della microstruttura organizzativa, elementi di group work e task management


Suggested readings and bibliography


JONES J.R., Organizational Theory, Design and Change 7th edition – Pearson

Course slides (on Moodle)

JONES J.R., Organizational Theory, Design and Change 7th edition - Pearson

LUCIDI DEL CORSO (verranno messi a disposizione sulla piattaforma Moodle)

Last update: 11/05/2020 15:33
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