- Oggetto:
- Oggetto:
Business Law (on-line)
- Oggetto:
Business Law (on-line)
- Oggetto:
Academic year 2020/2021
- Course ID
- MAN0552
- Teacher
- Fabrizio Sudiero (Lecturer)
- Year
- 2nd year
- Teaching period
- To be defined
- Type
- Distinctive
- Credits/Recognition
- 6
- Course disciplinary sector (SSD)
- IUS/04 - diritto commerciale
- Delivery
- E-learning
- Language
- English
- Attendance
- Online
- Type of examination
- Oral
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Sommario del corso
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Course objectives
The course offers a reasoned approach to the basics of European company law: the course will be developed through a deep analysis of the regulation.- Oggetto:
Results of learning outcomes
The candidate must acquire adequate knowledge of European company law
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Course delivery
Each part is introduced by a brief text presentation and short videos of introduction,
which anticipate the topics, for the videos it is recommended to use the “full screen”
mode.You can connect whenever and wherever you want from your device: computer, tablet
and mobile phone. In order to take full advantage of all the contents of the course,
it is recommended to use the Microsoft Edge browser.In each learning unit, you will find interactive lectures (pdf slides). In order to
better view the files and use all the available features, it is recommended using the
“full screen” mode. It's easy: just press the F11 button on the keyboard. You will
find arrows and interactive buttons that will guide you through the lesson, the
homepage symbol is always present to return to the first slide.
In the course you will find support activities (articles, case law) that are part of the
training, while the insights help you to focus on specific topics for an in-depth study.
Moreover, at the end of each part, self-assessment tests are provided, as a useful
training for the final exam.- Oggetto:
Learning assessment methods
Summer term exams will be face-to-face.
As stated by the Decreto Rettorale d’Urgenza n 1561 of April 16th, 2021,students residing or living off-campus, in quarantine, in (or living with relatives in) high vulnerability conditions will have the possibility to request the remote exam modality, by following the guidelines below.
Students residing or living outside the Region and/or in quarantine (compulsory or precautionary) have to:
- Regularly register to the exam through Esse3 and specify in the “Note” section their request of remote modality and the related motivation (“Residing outside the Region” or “Living outside the Region” or “Quarantine”);
- Send the self-certification properly signed and accompanied by a copy of the front/back of the identification document to the professor.
Please note that the temporary condition of living outside the Region does not automatically imply that the student is entitled to take the exam remotely; the Exam Commission will evaluate the gravity of the condition and decide whether to grant this possibility or not.
Students in (or living with relatives in) high vulnerability conditions have to:
- Regularly register to the exam through Esse3 and specify in the “Note” section their request of remote modality and the related motivation (“Vulnerability”);
- Send the self-certification properly signed and accompanied by a copy of the front/back of the identification document to the professor, along with the medical certification who confirms the presence of this condition without specifying the nature or indicating other sensitive health data.
In case of conditions of "high vulnerability", please refer to the definition of Categoria 1, Tabella 1 o Tabella 2, of the Raccomandazioni ad interim on the gruppi target della vaccinazione anti Sars-Cov2/Covid 19 of the Ministero della Salute, published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale, Serie generale, of March 23rd, 2021, n. 72.
We remind you that providing false declarations and/or false documents is a crime. The administration reserves the right to carry out inspections, even on a sample basis, on the truthfulness and the authenticity of what has been declared or communicated.
For Students authorized to take the on-line exam:
- take vision of the Additional Data Protection Statement ex art. 13 EU Regulation 679/2016 for Remote Examinations;
- check your institutional e-mail address, on which the Professor will send to you all the communication about the exam;
- cancel your registration from Esse3 if you do not intend or you can no longer take the exam. If Esse3 no longer allows you to unsubscribe, immediately notify the Professor – by e-mail – of your intention not to take part in the exam;
- attendance to the oral examination shall be on time.
The exam will take place at the University of Turin at the presence of the Professor.
It will consist of an oral interview with open-ended questions. The final mark is
given on the basis of 30 points and the minimum passing grade is 18 out of 30.
At the end of this course, you will find an online test as a prerequisite for entering
the oral exam, as alternative to classroom attendance.
In particular, 30 multiple choice questions are provided about all the topics covered
by the course. The time limit is 30 minutes.
As anticipated, passing this online test is mandatory to enter the oral exam;
therefore, you are allowed to take it as many times as you want.
But, keep in mind that you have the chance to obtain one point as an extra bonus for
the final oral examination if you give at least 18 out of 30 correct answers on the
first attempt- Oggetto:
The course is divided into six parts (i.e. the boxes that you see on the course
homepage) and each part corresponds to a macro topic (formative credit), in turn
organized into learning units:
• parts 1 and 2 explain what European Company Law is, where it comes from
and where it might be going. The introduction is mainly in common with the
course of International Law, as it is designed to provide understanding and
knowledge of the fundamental concepts;
• part 3 illustrates how companies formed under EU Member State laws may
enjoy freedom of establishment and freedom to provide services, which
constitute the central pillars of European Company Law;
• parts 4 and 5 describe the common rules for establishing, financing and
accounting practices in a company, while reflecting the structure of the
Societas Europaea Statute;
• part 6 deals with corporate governance, including management and control,
shareholders’ rights and general meeting issues.Suggested readings and bibliography
- Oggetto:
- In order to consolidate what has been learned through the material made available
and to acquire familiarity with the lexicon and the juridical themes, the study of the
recommended bibliography is of fundamental importance and mandatory for the
Bibliography: N. DE LUCA, European Company Law Text, Case and Materials,
Cambridge University Press, Last available edition. - Oggetto:
Alla luce delle attuali incertezze a causa dell'emergenza epidemiologica, le modalità di erogazione della didattica e di svolgimento degli esami potrebbero essere soggette a cambiamenti.Gli esami della sessione estiva si terranno in presenza.
Come stabilito anche dal Decreto Rettorale d’Urgenza n. 1561 del 16 aprile 2021, gli studenti residenti o dimoranti fuori sede, in quarantena, in situazione di elevata fragilità o conviventi con familiari in situazione di elevata fragilità potranno richiedere il sostenimento a distanza.
Puoi richiedere di sostenere l’esame a distanza se ti trovi in una delle seguenti condizioni:
a) elevata fragilità o conviventi con familiari in situazione di elevata fragilità;
b) residenza o dimora fuori dalla regione Piemonte ovvero di quarantena.Al momento della registrazione all’appello, occorre seguire le indicazioni fornite dal/la docente sulla pagina dell’insegnamento e inserire nel campo “Note” dell’appello, uno tra i seguenti testi:
- richiedo esame a distanza per condizione a) – fragilità personale o dei familiari conviventi;
- richiedo esame a distanza per condizione b) – residenza / domicilio nella regione xxx (inserire regione / nazione) / quarantena.
E inviare a mezzo e-mail la documentazione attestante la presenza di tale condizione senza indicare altri dati sensibili.
Si precisa che per la condizione di «elevata fragilità» si fa riferimento alla definizione della Categoria 1, Tabella 1 o Tabella 2, delle Raccomandazioni ad interim sui gruppi target della vaccinazione anti Sars-Cov2/Covid 19 del Ministero della Salute, pubblicate nella Gazzetta Ufficiale, Serie generale, del 23 marzo 2021, n. 72
Si precisa che la condizione di temporanea dimora fuori Regione non implica che lo/a studente/ssa sia automaticamente legittimato a sostenere l’esame a distanza; sarà la Commissione d’esame a valutare la gravità della condizione di impedimento, decidendo se concedere o meno questa possibilità.
Si ricorda che rendere false dichiarazioni o formare documenti falsi costituisce reato e l’amministrazione si riserva di effettuare verifiche, anche a campione, sulla veridicità e autenticità di quanto dichiarato o trasmesso.
Per gli Studenti autorizzati a sostenere l’esame on-line:
- prendete visione dell’Informativa privacy a vostra tutela;
- consultate la vostra casella e-mail istituzionale, sulla quale viene inviata la comunicazione per lo svolgimento dell’esame;
- cancellate la vostra iscrizione da Esse3 se non intendete/non potete più sostenere l’esame. Questo consente al docente di organizzare al meglio i turni di interrogazione. Se Esse3 non vi permette più di cancellarvi, comunicate immediatamente al docente via e-mail la vostra intenzione di non prendere parte all’appello;
- siate puntuali nel presentarvi nell’aula virtuale all’orario indicato.
Due to the health emergency, rules on lessons and examinations could change during the academic year.Summer term exams will be face-to-face.
As stated by the Decreto Rettorale d’Urgenza n 1561 of April 16th, 2021,students residing or living off-campus, in quarantine, in (or living with relatives in) high vulnerability conditions will have the possibility to request the remote exam modality, by following the guidelines below.
Students residing or living outside the Region and/or in quarantine (compulsory or precautionary) have to:
- Regularly register to the exam through Esse3 and specify in the “Note” section their request of remote modality and the related motivation (“Residing outside the Region” or “Living outside the Region” or “Quarantine”);
- Send the self-certification properly signed and accompanied by a copy of the front/back of the identification document to the professor.
Please note that the temporary condition of living outside the Region does not automatically imply that the student is entitled to take the exam remotely; the Exam Commission will evaluate the gravity of the condition and decide whether to grant this possibility or not.
Students in (or living with relatives in) high vulnerability conditions have to:
- Regularly register to the exam through Esse3 and specify in the “Note” section their request of remote modality and the related motivation (“Vulnerability”);
- Send the self-certification properly signed and accompanied by a copy of the front/back of the identification document to the professor, along with the medical certification who confirms the presence of this condition without specifying the nature or indicating other sensitive health data.
In case of conditions of "high vulnerability", please refer to the definition of Categoria 1, Tabella 1 o Tabella 2, of the Raccomandazioni ad interim on the gruppi target della vaccinazione anti Sars-Cov2/Covid 19 of the Ministero della Salute, published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale, Serie generale, of March 23rd, 2021, n. 72.
We remind you that providing false declarations and/or false documents is a crime. The administration reserves the right to carry out inspections, even on a sample basis, on the truthfulness and the authenticity of what has been declared or communicated.
For Students authorized to take the on-line exam:
- take vision of the Additional Data Protection Statement ex art. 13 EU Regulation 679/2016 for Remote Examinations;
- check your institutional e-mail address, on which the Professor will send to you all the communication about the exam;
- cancel your registration from Esse3 if you do not intend or you can no longer take the exam. If Esse3 no longer allows you to unsubscribe, immediately notify the Professor – by e-mail – of your intention not to take part in the exam;
- attendance to the oral examination shall be on time.
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