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Operations Management - Stream A


Operations Management - Stream A


Academic year 2023/2024

Course ID
Teaching staff
Giovanni Peira (Lecturer)
Alessandro Bonadonna (Lecturer)
Stanislav Hristov Ivanov (Visiting Professor)
Jacopo Fresta (Tutor)
1st year
Teaching period
Third term
Course disciplinary sector (SSD)
SECS-P/13 - commodity science
Formal authority
Type of examination

Sommario del corso


Course objectives

The achievement of an adequate grade of knowledge about technical and managerial aspects with reference to processes for the production of goods and/or services focused on the improvement in productivity and to the establishment of competitive advantage in business according to the international normative.

L'insegnamento si propone di fornire allo studente le informazioni fondamentali relative alle problematiche tecnologiche della produzione nelle imprese manifatturiere


Results of learning outcomes

The course aims to complete the student's training with useful notions and tools (e.g. organisation of production, process management etc.) to delve into the technological aspects of production, which are indispensable for a better understanding of how businesses operate. The training with a technical-administrative vocation of the degree course in Business and Management will therefore be completed and enriched by the following skills:


Knowledge and understanding skills

- describe the main production areas and their characteristics

- list the production configurations (continuous and discontinuous processes,...) of the company according to the type of market demand (layout of plants according to the type of production)

- illustrate the basic characteristics of the processes and their costs;

- catalogue the different forms of production management on the basis of current production approaches.


Applying knowledge and understanding

- participate in the planning of management and production activities

- collaborate in the implementation of quality systems

- be able to use analytical tools for the evaluation of activities in the industrial plant

Autonomy of judgement

- link the economic and technological aspects of production

- make broad assessments of the economic aspects of production.

Communication skills

The resulting multidisciplinary communication skills are the main outcome of the course. The student will be able to

- combine technical and managerial terminology relating to production processes

- contribute to the solution of problems relating to the technological aspects of production


L'insegnamento prevede di completare la formazione con nozioni e strumenti utili (es: organizzazione della produzione, gestione dei processi…) ad approfondire gli aspetti tecnologici della produzione, imprescindibili per comprendere al meglio il funzionamento dell’impresa. La formazione a vocazione tecnico amministrativa del corso di Studi in Economia Aziendale sarà quindi completata e arricchita dalle seguenti competenze.


Conoscenza e capacità di comprensione

-  descrivere le zone principali dell’area produttiva di un impianto e le loro caratteristiche;

-  elencare le configurazioni produttive (processi continui e discontinui,…) dell’impresa sulla base del tipo di domanda di mercato (disposizione planimetrica degli impianti a seconda del tipo di produzione);

-  illustrare le caratteristiche fondamentali dei processi e dei relativi costi;

-  catalogare le differenti forme di gestione della produzione sulla base delle filosofie produttive attuali


Applicazione della conoscenza e comprensione

- partecipare alla pianificazione di attività di gestione e di produzione

- collaborare all'implementazione di sistemi di qualità

- essere in grado di utilizzare strumenti analitici per la valutazione delle attività nello stabilimento industriale



Autonomia di giudizio

- collegare aspetti economici e tecnologici della produzione

- effettuare delle valutazioni di massima relative agli aspetti economici della produzione


Abilità comunicative

 La capacità di comunicazione multidisciplinare che ne consegue è il principale risultato dell’insegnamento. La/lo studentessa/studente sarà infatti in grado

- affiancare la terminologia tecnica a quella manageriale relativa ai processi produttivi

- concorrere alla risoluzione dei problemi relativi agli aspetti tecnologici della produzione


Course delivery

The course is articulated in 35 hours of interactive lecture time and includes the development of practical exercises as homework.




Learning assessment methods

The exam will be divided into two parts:

Part 1: 10 multiple choice questions (1 pt each question - 10 minutes).

Part 2: 2 open questions (10 pts each question - 1 hour).

During the lectures, examples of questions and answers will be introduced and explained in order to facilitate the approach to the exam.

L'esame sarà diviso in due parti:

Parte 1: 10 domande a risposta multipla (1 punto per ogni domanda - durata 10 minuti)

Parte 2: 2 domande aperte (10 punti per ogni domanda - durata 60 minuti)

Durante le lezioni, verranno introdotti e spiegati esempi di domande e risposte al fine di facilitare l'approccio all'esame.


Support activities





The course deals with the principal phases of the processes for the production of goods and/or the realization of services, with particular reference to technical aspects, effectiveness-efficiency of the processes, (human and material) resources and stakeholder satisfaction.

Operations management includes different processes and a high level of interfunctional integration.

In particular the course is articulated in the following parts:

- strategy, products and capacity;

- design of products and services;

- manufacturing and service processes;

- process design and analysis;

- total quality management;

- Six Sigma approach and methodology;

- productive capacity management;

- lean production system;

- material requirements planning.


The course deals with the principal phases of the processes for the production of goods and/or the realization of services, with particular reference to technical aspects, effectiveness-efficiency of the processes, (human and material) resources and stakeholder satisfaction.

Operations management includes different processes and a high level of interfunctional integration.

In particular the course is articulated in the following parts:

- strategy, products and capacity;

- design of products and services;

- manufacturing and service processes;

- process design and analysis;

- total quality management;

- Six Sigma approach and methodology;

- productive capacity management;

- lean production system;

- material requirements planning.

Suggested readings and bibliography

Operations and supply chain management, Global Edition.
Year of publication:  
F. Robert Jacobs, Richard B. Chase

Last update: 20/12/2023 09:50
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