- Oggetto:
- Oggetto:
Financial Accounting and Business Administration - Modulo Financial Accounting - Stream A
- Oggetto:
Financial Accounting - Stream A
- Oggetto:
Academic year 2019/2020
- Course ID
- MAN0512A
- Teaching staff
- Simona Fiandrino (Lecturer)
Melchior Emanuele Gromis Di Trana (Lecturer)
Giacomo Biancardi (Tutor)
Alessandro Zerbetto (Tutor) - Modular course
- Year
- 1st year
- Type
- Basic
- Credits/Recognition
- 6
- Course disciplinary sector (SSD)
- SECS-P/07 - economia aziendale
- Delivery
- Formal authority
- Language
- English
- Attendance
- Obligatory
- Type of examination
- Written
- Prerequisites
- business administration and accounting (first year)
- Oggetto:
Sommario del corso
- Oggetto:
Course objectives
The aim of the second part of the course (Financial Accounting part) is to develop a basic knowledge about financial accounting tools and methodologies. The purpose is to provide practical knowledge for analysing, measuring and recording business transactions (bookkeeping techniques), as well as providing the basic understanding of their communication/reporting throughtout corporate financial statements. Students need to understand that accounting is the language of business, and it can help to communicate and assess the performance of an organisation.
- Oggetto:
Results of learning outcomes
1) Start developing independent judgment of business facts.
2) Being able to identify and assess the key variables which are the base of a business or an organisation.
3) Being able to analyse the main features of a business entity in terms of core functions and processes as well as the possible related issues.
4) ability to analyse a business transaction and its financial measurement and communication.
5) record a business transaction on the main accounting books (ledger and journal).
6) understand the impact of business transaction on financial reports and been able to prepare them in their basic forms (balance sheet, income statement, cash fow statement)
7) identify key variables in assessing and judge the financial performance of a business
- Oggetto:
Course delivery
The course is articulated in 42 hours of formal in-class lecture time, and in at least as many hours of at-home work solving practical exercises.
- Oggetto:
Learning assessment methods
Exams during the health emergency situation
During the health emergency situation, the exam will be conducted on the Webex Platform in the form of a written exam on Moodle
First, you will access to the Webex platform through your institutional mail and the Professors will check your ID.
Second, you will start the written exam available on Moodle consisting of 54 questions in the form of multiple-choice, cloze, calculations to complete in 54 minutes.
Some days before the exam, you will receive an email with the passwords to get the access the Webex session and with the password to start the written exam.
Please, check your institutional email, because all the emails are sent by Esse3 only to your institutional email (the one with the domain @edu.unito.it).
- Each correct question is worth 0.5 points; sufficiency to pass the exam is reached with 18 points (i.e. 36 correct answers). There is no penalty for wrong answers.
- The maximum score obtainable through the test is 27 (54 correct answers). The final mark will consider also the points achieved through the multiple choice tests you carried out during the course (for a maximum of 3 additional points).
- Oggetto:
Support activities
Case studies
Exercises, simulations and real cases are available on Moodle.
- Oggetto:
- The accounting cycle
- The accounting equation
- Accounting for ordinary business transactions;
- Fixed assets
- Payroll
- Financing operations
- Shareholders' Equity
- Preparation of trial balance
- Adjustments and closing entries
- Preparation of basic Financial statements (Balace sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flow statement)
Suggested readings and bibliography
- Oggetto:
Scagnelli S., Gromis di Trana M., Venuti F., Introduction to Financial Accounting, Giappichelli Editore, Torino, 2018.
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