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Administrative Law


Administrative Law


Academic year 2023/2024

Course ID
Teaching staff
Margherita Poto (Lecturer)
Gabriella Margherita Racca (Lecturer)
Gloria Sdanganelli (Tutor)
3rd year
Teaching period
Second term
Related or integrative
Course disciplinary sector (SSD)
IUS/10 - administrative law
Formal authority
Type of examination

Sommario del corso


Course objectives

We believe that we can use the Agenda 2030 and the 17 SDGs as a matrix to deepen our understanding of Administrative Law in 2021. This year the focus will specifically be on SDG 14, dedicated to Life Below Water.

We will have in mind three main purposes of Agenda 2030:

-end all forms of poverty;

-fight inequalities;

-tackle climate change

under the common underlying principle that “no one is left behind”.

We will start applying this latter, to the maximum possible extension, also to the participants -students and teachers- in our course. Everybody will be engaged in the learning process, co-create solutions applicable in the legal domain and beyond, act to effectively find solutions to a case study on the protection of water and water people. It will be our care not to leave anybody behind and we will need the cooperation of everybody in this endeavor!


Results of learning outcomes

The course is structured into 9 classes, dedicated to studying, understanding and engaging with the Sustainable Development Goals and to co-creating opportunities to transform such study into action.

Even though this year focus is on SDG 14, we would like to remind you all that all the SDGs are interconnected and relevant to achieve the common objective of a common future where no one is left behind: one of the scopes of this course is to explore interactions and cross-references between the goals and the final objective.


Course delivery

Students will be asked to work in groups on their project and deliver a creative project result at the end of the course


Learning assessment methods

Students will be assessed based on a legal design and visual law project (group work).

In particular, they will be asked to develop a prototype of a sustainable project, an oral and a written presentation.



  1. Students attending the course: Two components will form the final grade:

    1. An oral presentation.

    INSTRUCTIONS: The oral skills will be assessed by evaluating an INDIVIDUAL or GROUP presentation, that will be prepared during the course, and constantly assessed with the help of tutors and teachers. You are asked to work individually or in small groups, to prepare a work of 10/15 minutes, following the instructions that are given in class. 

    50% of the grade

    1. A written work

    INSTRUCTIONS: The written skills will be assessed through an INDIVIDUAL or GROUP essay, prepared during the course following the instructions given in class. The written work should be of a maximum of 5 pages. n extra mark will be given to the essays that contain also visual mapping, illustrated stories, roadmaps, and other visual content.

    50% of the grade

    -Students not attending the course: The students not attending the course are kindly asked to contact Prof. Margherita Paola Poto to agree on the theme of the written and oral presentation. An additional brief conversation will assess the oral skills.

Suggested readings and bibliography


  1. M. P. POTO (2022) Environmental Law and Governance: The Helicoidal Pathway of Participation a study of a nature-based model inspired by the Arctic, the Ocean, and Indigenous Views Giappichelli, Torino, ISBN/EAN 978-88-921-2225-3, pp. 1-241.
  2. PAROLA, M. P. POTO (2021) (ed. by) The Escazú Agreement in Comics with and for the Chiquitano People. A Co-Created Project of Legal Design and Visual Law, ISBN/EAN 978-88-921-4266-4 (English version), pp. 1-80, Giappichelli, Torino.
  3. PORRONE, M. P. POTO, V. RUSSO (2021) A Story About Knowledge. Illustrated Version. Aracne, 2021.
  4. PORRONE, M. P. POTO, V. RUSSO (Illustrator), A Story About Knowledge. A Learning Tool to Engage with Illustrated Storytelling in Law and Global Studies, Aracne, 2021.



To live up to the theme of our course, we are committed to run it as sustainably as possible. We strongly encourage all attending students to bring their own reusable drinking cups, bottles and reusable containers (e.g., stainless steel lunch boxes).

If you have ideas on how we can make our course more sustainable, we encourage you to contact us as soon as possible and during the whole course (

Last update: 24/08/2023 13:05
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