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How to activate the curricular internship in Italy

Before starting the internship, the Host company/entity and the Sponsoring entity (University of Turin) must sign an Agreement for Orientation and Traineeship and a Training and Orientation Project, which specifies the trainee’s and tutor’s data, the learning objectives and defines the type and duration of the internship.

Before activating the internship, students will have to book an interview with the Job placement office. Students should prepare their curriculum vitae - European model  and submit a digital copy of it to the Job Placement Office before the interview.


All activities carried out before the signature of the Training project by the 3 sides involved - Host entity, sponsoring entity and trainee - is not covered by insurance and cannot be recognized on your career plan.


For internships beginning in March

  • Jan-Feb: individual interviews with the Job Placement office. To book a meeting please write to;
  • February: interviews with the companies;
  • Feb-March: finalization of the documents to begin the internship.

For internships beginning in June/July

  • May: individual interviews with the Job Placement office. To book a meeting please write to;
  • May and June: interviews with the companies
  • June - July: finalization of the documents to begin the internship.

For internships beginning in September

  • June - July: individual interviews with the Job Placement office. To book a meeting please write to;
  • July and September: interviews with the companies;
  • July - September: finalization of the documents to begin the internship.

The Host entity that has selected you should follow these steps:

  1. Register on UniTo portal (;
  2. Request and sign an Agreement for curricular internships;
  3. Send to the Job Placement Office the “Format for the curricular training project”, with all the data needed for the preparation of the Training project.

Remember: the Format for the curricular training project must be sent by email by the host company, not by the student.

Within 5 days from receiving the email with the Format for the curricular training project, the Job placement will send to the Host entity the confirmation of the internship activation.

The Job placement office will ask students to sign the Training project, which should be returned:    

  • via postal service to the following address:

SAA Scarl

Ufficio Job Placement (Italia  o Estero)

Via  Ventimiglia, 115 - 10126 Torino;

  • by hand:

Ufficio Job Placement (Italia o Estero)

Via  Ventimiglia, 115 - 10126 Torino;  

  • via the Company.

Please note: Insurance coverage is granted only for the period and the working hours specified on the Training Project.

It is possible to communicate the following variations to the Training project:

  • Absence
  • Business trip
  • Variation of the Company tutor.

In order to inform the Job pLacement office about the variation this form should be filled in.

All changed must be agreed upon between the company and the trainee.

All variations to the end date of the internship specified on the Training project should be justified and communicated from the host entity to the Job placement office via email before the end-date.

Last update: 15/01/2024 15:26
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