- German Language Blockseminar di Administrator, pubblicato in Notices wednesday, august 23, 2023
- Summer 2023: office closure di Administrator, pubblicato in Notices friday, july 28, 2023
- QS Best Student Cities: Torino debutta come una delle migliori città universitarie del mondo di Administrator, pubblicato in Notices monday, july 24, 2023
- Admission tests for bachelor's degree programs: registrations for the first-period call open until June 15th, 2023 di Administrator, pubblicato in Notices thursday, june 1, 2023
- Teaching quality evaluation (Edumeter) a.y. 2022/2023 - procedure open until September 5, 2023 di Administrator, pubblicato in Notices tuesday, may 9, 2023
- "Pollution to Portrait", The Pollution Absorbing Exhibition di Administrator, pubblicato in Notices friday, may 12, 2023
- Extension of the graduation session - 2021-2022 Academic Year di Administrator, pubblicato in Notices thursday, march 23, 2023
- IMPORTANT INFORMATION | groups subdivision for 1st year students di Administrator, pubblicato in Notices friday, march 17, 2023
- International Negotiation course di Administrator, pubblicato in Notices thursday, march 2, 2023
- Communication and New Media course di Administrator, pubblicato in Notices tuesday, march 7, 2023
- BEC certification course di Administrator, pubblicato in Notices monday, february 27, 2023
- DFP (Diploma of Professional French) course di Administrator, pubblicato in Notices tuesday, march 7, 2023
- Tomorrow's lectures (20/02) will be exceptionally and exclusively ONLINE di Administrator, pubblicato in Notices sunday, february 19, 2023
- 22 February 2023 from 9.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. - E-learning (Moodle) platform maintenance di Administrator, pubblicato in Notices thursday, february 16, 2023
- Erasmus + Traineeship Call 2022 | Meeting programmed for any 3rd year student | Friday February 17th di Administrator, pubblicato in Notices friday, february 17, 2023
- Erasmus + Traineeship Call 2022 | Meeting programmed for any 3rd year student | Friday February 3rd di Administrator, pubblicato in Notices friday, february 3, 2023
- 4th year Kent State University Presentation| 22/02 at 5,30 pm di Administrator, pubblicato in Notices wednesday, february 8, 2023
- Erasmus + Traineeship Call 2022 | Meeting programmed for any 3rd year student di Administrator, pubblicato in Notices thursday, january 26, 2023
- Call for applications for part-time collaborations in the academic year 2022/2023 di Administrator, pubblicato in Notices friday, january 20, 2023
- IInd year| Corporate Finance mod. Lectures postponed di Administrator, pubblicato in Notices thursday, january 12, 2023