- Oggetto:
- Oggetto:
Business Organization History
- Oggetto:
Business Organization History
- Oggetto:
Academic year 2024/2025
- Course ID
- MAN0515
- Teachers
- Marianna Astore (Lecturer)
- Year
- 3rd year
- Teaching period
- Second term
- Type
- Elective
- Credits/Recognition
- 6
- Course disciplinary sector (SSD)
- SECS-P/12 - economic history
- Delivery
- E-learning
- Language
- English
- Attendance
- Obligatory
- Type of examination
- Written and oral
- Oggetto:
Sommario del corso
- Oggetto:
Course objectives
In modern economies, businesses are organised in a variety of forms, and many very different “models” co-exist. Firms vary in size (micro, small, medium, big), managerial structures (one single owner-manager; various layers of professional managers), and forms of governance (sole-ownership; partnership; incorporated businesses). Some of them focus on a core business and operate in a single nation (or indeed a region or a city), while others are multiproduct and multinational. Some use (or even develop) state-of-the-art technologies, while other rely on cheap labour and very basic techniques.
The aim of the course is to analyse the causes and consequences of the existence of such a variety of models of business and forms of organisation.
To do so, the course investigates the development and functioning of various models of business over time and space, starting with the forms of organisation which dominated the Western world before the beginning of the process of industrialisation, to finish with contemporary phenomena of downsizing and outsourcing. During the course students became familiar with the causes behind the emergence of production in factories, why certain firms grew and other did not, whether models alternative to mass production existed and still do.
The course focuses on the impact of factors such as technology, market structure and financial intermediation, but also regulation and informal cultural norms.
Although the course does not assume students to have any background of economics, it uses ideas derived from various streams of social sciences.
Lo scopo del corso è di indagare, utilizzando una prospettiva storica, sulla varietà di forme di impresa presenti nelle economie moderne. L'analisi parte dalle forme di organizzazione produttiva pre-industriali per arrivare fino a moderne forme dii impresa con le imprese transnazionali.
Analizzando le cause e il contesto dell'ascesa e declino di varie forme di organizzazione produttiva, il corso mette in luce l'importanza della combinazione fra una multitudine di elementi, fra i quali la tecnologia, la natura del mercato, la finanza, gli aspetti istituzionali e la cultura.
Il corso utulizza concetti e teorie delle scienze sociali, ma non prevede alcuna conoscenza pregressa della teoria economica.
- Oggetto:
Results of learning outcomes
- Understand the features of different models of business, how they evolve, and how they function.
- Provide a critical view of various theories of the firm.
- Apply such theories to the study of the evolution of business structure to show their relative ability to explain the reality of firms’ organization and behavior.
- Critical use of history to understand current issues
- Presenting material during the class
- Ability to apply theories to reality
Sviluppo delle conoscenze
- comprendere le caratteristiche di modelli di organizzazione aziendale e la loro evoluzione
- Acquisire una conoscenza critica delle varie teorie d'impresa
Applicazione delle conoscenze
- Applicazione delle teorie per comprendere l'emergere e lo sviluppo di tipologie di organizzazione aziendale
Svilupppo del giudizio critico
- Uso critico della storia per la comprensione di problemi attuali
Skill di comunicazione
- Presentazioni in classe
Skill di apprendimento
- Applicazione della teoria a casi pratici
- Oggetto:
- Introduction
- Models of business during the industrial revolution
- Case study: Josiah Wedgwood
- The rise and development of big businesses in the US
- Case study: Walt Disney
- Germany: the advantages of cooperation
- Case study: Volkswagen
- UK: rise, decline, rise again
- Business structure and economic performance in Italy
- An alternative model of business: industrial districts
- Conglomerate: rise and fall
- Beyond the conglomerate: new models of business
- Japan: the rising sun
- Soviet Russia and Russia without Soviets
- Theory of the Firm I
- Theory of the Firm II
- Discussion and revision class
- Introduzione
- Modelli di business durante la Rivoluzione industriale
- Caso studio: Josiah Wedgwood
- Ascesa e sviluppo della grande impresa negli Stati Uniti
- Caso studio: Walt Disney
- Germania: il capitalismo cooperativo
- Caso studio: Volkswagen
- Il Regno Unito: ascesa, declino, risalita
- Struttura aziendale e performance economica in Italia
- Un modello alternativo di business: i distretti industriali
- Ascesa e caduta delle conglomerate
- Oltre le conglomerate: nuovi modelli di business
- Giappone: il sole nascente
- La Russia Sovietica e la Russia senza Soviet
- Teoria dell'impresa I
- Teoria dell'impresa II
- Lezione di ripasso
- Oggetto:
Course delivery
- 42 hours (lectures and tutoring sessions)
- 42 ore complessive (lezioni e sessioni per il lavoro di gruppo)
- Oggetto:
Learning assessment methods
- Attending students: 65% Groupwork + 35% Written Exam
- Non attending students: 100% General Exam
- Groupwork: Paper of 4,000 words and students presentation on one of the following topics:
- the biographical sketch of an entrepreneur
- the story of an enterprise
- Exam structure:
- Attending students: 20 multiple choice questions - 30-minute exam
- Non attending students: Two open questions (50%, 25% each) and 10
multiple choice questions (50%) - 50-minute exam
- Studenti frequentanti: 65% Lavoro di gruppo + 35% Esame scritto
- Studenti non frequentanti: 100% Esame generale
- Lavoro di gruppo: Elaborato di 4.000 parole e presentazione in aula su uno dei seguenti argomenti:
- Il profilo biografico di un imprenditore
- La storia di un'impresa
- Struttura dell'esame:
- Studenti frequentanti: 20 domande a scelta multipla - esame di 30 minuti
- Studenti non frequentanti: Due domande aperte (50%, 25% ciascuna) e 10 domande a scelta multipla (50%) - esame di 50 minuti
Suggested readings and bibliography
- Oggetto:
- Book
- Title:
- Business history: complexities and comparisons
- Year of publication:
- 2011
- Publisher:
- Routledge
- Author:
- Franco Amatori, Andrea Colli
- Required:
- Yes
- Oggetto:
- Chandler, A. (1984), “The emergence of managerial capitalism”, Business History Review, 58 (4), pp. 473-503.
- Fear, G. (1997), “German Capitalism”. In Thomas K. McCraw (ed.), Creating Modern Capitalism: How Entrepreneurs, Companies, and Countries Triumphed in Three Industrial Revolutions, Harvard: Harvard University Press, pp. 133-;82.
- Jones, G. (1997), “Great Britain: Big business, management, and competitiveness in twentieth-century Britain”. In A. Chandler, F. Amatori, and T. Hikino (eds.), Big Business and the Wealth of Nations, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 102-38.
- Di Martino, P. and M. Vasta (2015), “Happy birthday Italy? Institutions and economic performance in Italy since 1861”, Enterprise and Society, 16 (2), pp. 291-312.
- Guriev, S. and A. Rachinsky (2005), “The Role of Oligarchs in Russian Capitalism”, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 19 (1), pp. 131-;50.
- Chandler, A. (1984), “The emergence of managerial capitalism”, Business History Review, 58 (4), pp. 473-503.
- Fear, G. (1997), “German Capitalism”. In Thomas K. McCraw (ed.), Creating Modern Capitalism: How Entrepreneurs, Companies, and Countries Triumphed in Three Industrial Revolutions, Harvard: Harvard University Press, pp. 133-;82.
- Jones, G. (1997), “Great Britain: Big business, management, and competitiveness in twentieth-century Britain”. In A. Chandler, F. Amatori, and T. Hikino (eds.), Big Business and the Wealth of Nations, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 102-38.
- Di Martino, P. and M. Vasta (2015), “Happy birthday Italy? Institutions and economic performance in Italy since 1861”, Enterprise and Society, 16 (2), pp. 291-312.
- Guriev, S. and A. Rachinsky (2005), “The Role of Oligarchs in Russian Capitalism”, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 19 (1), pp. 131-;50.
- Oggetto:
Class schedule
- Enroll
- Open
- Oggetto: