- Oggetto:
- Oggetto:
Public Management and Public Economics
- Oggetto:
Public Management and Public Economics
- Oggetto:
Academic year 2019/2020
- Course ID
- MAN0514
- Teaching staff
- Valerio Brescia (Lecturer)
Francesco Figari (Lecturer)
Marco Rosso (Tutor) - Year
- 3rd year
- Type
- Elective
- Credits/Recognition
- 6
- Course disciplinary sector (SSD)
- SECS-P/07 - economia aziendale
- Delivery
- Formal authority
- Language
- English
- Attendance
- Optional
- Type of examination
- Written
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Sommario del corso
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Course objectives
The PM course focus on the core theoretical basics and on a lot of actual experiences from present day business reality. Students have to possess a comprehensive working knowledge of management operations; have an integrated view of contemporary (International - and - domestic) issues on Public Management and Economics.
- Oggetto:
Results of learning outcomes
The course provides the students with the tools, and the skills to use these tools, to be informed consumers of public finance data and to engage constructively in the formulation and evaluation of public economics issues. Moreover the course provides communication and leadership skills essential for the present management roles.
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Course delivery
The course foresees the delivery of didactic material in the classroom and available slides.
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Learning assessment methods
In order to verify the achievement of the objectives of the course the teachers will organize periodical working group (or individual) activities for the students. For the attending students the final mark is the result of the arithmetic average of the different activities.
As indicated by the Rector, given the crisis situation, the final profit exam will consist of exercises and written questions integrated by an oral exam on webex.
- Oggetto:
The Public Management course aims at increasing students' knowledge and critical thinking skills concerning the following topics:
- The role of the public sector; Public management and public governance; Outsourcing
- New Public Management and New Public Governance.
- Accounting and Reporting: accountability and transparency; International accounting standards and conceptual framework; Financial statements.
- Budgeting and Performance Measurement: budgeting policies; traditional vs. performance-based budgeting; social reporting
- Popular Financial Reporting
- National and international experiences
- Economics of public sector: market efficiency and failure; public goods; externalities and the environment; efficiency and equity; poverty and inequality
Suggested readings and bibliography
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For the not attending students the final mark is the result of a written exam concerning the teaching materials (handouts, articles, updating material, etc.) provided to the students by Moodle.
Public Economics
Stiglitz, J. E. and Rosengard J. K. (2015), Economics of the public sector, 4th Edition, W.W. Norton & Company.
Additional material from:
Stiglitz, J. E. and Rosengard J. K. (2018), Economia del settore pubblico, 3rd edizione italiana a cura di Gastaldi F. e Pisauro G., Hoepli.
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